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Tania - Tricky Old Teacher (2011/

Tania - Tricky Old Teacher (2011/

Wwo times a week one girl had classes with her chemistry teacher. The classes were boring, but she had to attend them otherwise she would never get her diploma. The last class was different from all the others. Tania was doing tasle and suddenly noticed that the teacher had on crection. Se was embarrassed, but started slowly getting horny, so when teacher's hand slid under her skirt she didn't oppose wery hard and rode his big cock.
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Diana - Tricky Old Teacher (2009/

Diana - Tricky Old Teacher (2009/

Санчелу хотели отчислить, заработалась видать, да затрахалась и времени на учебу не осталось. Предприняла попытку подкупить старого козла, но похотливый мерзавец был не приклонен, пришлось хряпать старую балду и отрабатывать.
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