Yes, the beginning of this foursome scene might look like Jack Off, his wife Jayla and their friends Honey White and Jack Rabbit have gotten together simply to reminisce about the last time they had played the game together. However, it’s not that innocent. Heated up by the memories of that dirty little poker game, the swingers will get down to action pretty quick. Well, it looks like Jayla made the right decision when she came to the studio with no panties on. This time there will be no gambling though. The players got to know each other perfectly well during the last time we shot them in action. Thus, gorgeous Zoe Holiday and her cards are no longer needed. But don’t worry, it won’t make the scene any less exciting – Jack and Jayla and Jack and Honey are literally dying from sex hunger and they are here to show they mean business. Let’s make a little break tonight. There will be no games – only plain unleashed swinging sex. Get ready!
Такого обильного по своим масштабам секса я откровенно говоря не припомню в этом разделе, чем то напоминает популярное в своё время ''чертаново'' из 90-х ,но там вроде бы с массовкой поскромнее - а здесь цельная рота.