Gambler * Jessica -The Erotic Gambling!!-

[H-GAME] Gambler * Jessica -The Erotic Gambling!!-

Gambler * Jessica -The Erotic Gambling!!-

Release : Feb/28/2014

Gambler * Jessica -The Erotic Gambling!!-Gambler * Jessica -The Erotic Gambling!!-Gambler * Jessica -The Erotic Gambling!!-

The choice-based adult ADV game about a novice player
who puts all her chips -- and her body, and her morals -- on the odds
that she'll make it off the Arcobaleno with any dignity!

Jessica is traveling across the world in search of her mother, a professional gambler
who went missing. One day she's invited to participate in the "Giocatore Fortissimo"
on the luxury cruise ship Arcobaleno, where all the answers are waiting...

Knowing it's a trap, she steps aboard, and into a wildly erotic tournament.
This Arcobaleno is an oasis of debauchery, its game tailored to the bottom-most
fantasies of degenerate thrill seekers. In a microcosm of modern society,
the "audience" uses money and power to influence the "participant",
causing her to shiver with fear and quiver with pleasure,
whether she wants it or not.

* Do you have the skills to win? Send Jessica into fortune's eager mouth.
Connect the clues with "clarity choice", make stylish deductions with "intuition choice"!
Then play the stakes with "sink or swim choice"!
The higher the stakes, the lewder the penalty.
What do you suppose will happen when your risk gauge is maxed out?

* Built-in erotic animation!
Young violated girls tremble, squirt and writhe!!
Shameful orgasm expressions betray hearts! Wet juices splash and spritz!
Don't miss a single frame of the action.

* A visual feast of flesh and juice!
Behold 2D hotties sumptuously f*cked by clever odds and love-slicked c*cks;
obscene high quality artwork & natural mosaics.

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Housewife Haramase of the Invisible Man

[H-GAME] Housewife Haramase of the Invisible Man

Housewife Haramase of the Invisible Man

Release : Feb/21/2014

Housewife Haramase of the Invisible ManHousewife Haramase of the Invisible ManHousewife Haramase of the Invisible Man

When a man who covets his neighbors' wives suddenly turns invisible... there's only one thing to do!

Countless days of yearning end with a romping r*pefest from house to house. Could he be leaving invisible juniors inside them?

The motherly type, the super hot trophy wife, the strong willed one who nurtures others...
all are on the list of fantasy women the unattractive protagonist has always wanted to bang.
And now he can! The housewives go about their daily business while he bangs away.
They know someone is inside them -- it feels so good -- but they'll never know WHO!

Enjoy an ADV game where sex can happen just about anywhere.

The sex doesn't stop just because someone's pregnant!

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Tokyo Ochinpics!

[H-GAME] Tokyo Ochinpics!

Tokyo Ochinpics!

Release : Feb/14/2014

Tokyo Ochinpics!Tokyo Ochinpics!Tokyo Ochinpics!

Everyone go for gold! We declare the 20XX Tokyo Ochinpia Games, open!

Every four years the world's best athletes come together in one place
to celebrate and exhibit our achievements of physical prowess.
The games are hosted in Japan this year! But these are games like nothing you've ever seen...

Welcome to Tokyo (Tou + Kyou = Cherrytown),
where the Japan team is bathed in dignity and sperm!
They're going to give everything and bring home the gold!
Who will the goddess of victory smile upon???
Let's find out. Everyone, on your c*cks, get wet... go!!!

* Sports + Sex!
Great feeling sweat, great feeling juices!
Mix nature's lubricants together, you've got super hot sauce!!!

* Totally Absurd!
Ordinary sex scenes are out the window!
Things get competitively weird - you gotta see it!!

Art by Noritama

Scenario by Ibuki Sakurano

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制服天使 初回版~

[H-GAME] 制服天使 初回版~

制服天使 初回版~

制服天使 初回版~制服天使 初回版~制服天使 初回版~
制服天使 初回版~制服天使 初回版~制服天使 初回版~




相談に乗っているうちに少しずつ距離を近づけていた俺と詩音を、謎の “天使狩り” 蛭田が狙う。
“天使病” に侵されゆく詩音を危険から守るため、俺は彼女と二人っきりの逃避行の旅に出た――

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劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~

[H-GAME] 劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~

劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~

Release : Feb/28/2014

劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~
劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~劣等姦 ~優良種の身も心も壊す劣等種~


他種族と仲良くなりたくて旅をしている鬼の “鬼子 (おにこ)” と、そんな能天気な鬼子がほっとけなくて同行する天使の “ミュリエル”。


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少女教育 初回限定版

[Hentai Game] 少女教育 初回限定版

少女教育 初回限定版

Release : Feb/28/2014

少女教育 初回限定版少女教育 初回限定版少女教育 初回限定版
少女教育 初回限定版少女教育 初回限定版少女教育 初回限定版


もはや “結婚” なんて淡い夢さえ見ることもなくなり、無事学園から教え子たちを送り出すことが生き甲斐になっていた。
新しい学園で、またかわいい教え子たちとの平凡な毎日が始まる…… なんてことを考えていた主人公。


そんなこんなで始まる、クラスに馴染めないコミュ障 3人と幽霊(?)な少女との学園ADV。
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[H-GAME] 真剣で私に恋しなさい!A-3


Release : Feb/28/2014






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Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~

[H-Game] Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~ (English / Uncensored)

Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~

Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~

Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~Ultimate☆Boob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests~

Bustchest continent is at war: Big Breasts and Flat Chest kingdoms fight to determine once and for all what size is better.
Hart, the protagonist, loves all sizes equally. According to Breasts God he has a special power which can save the continent, so without a second thought Hart starts his quest as a breasts-loving messiah.
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[H-GAME] 恋式マニュアル


Release : Feb/28/2014




しかし、そんなエリート学園にも苦手科目があった。 それは、恋愛。 それは、異性としての魅力。

季節は秋。晴れ。 朝礼の壇上にて、学園長の娘・一ノ瀬姫乃は宣言する。
“リア充偏差値” 制度の導入と、そのための “実力テスト” を行うことを。
青山広樹 (彼女いない歴=年齢) は呆然とつぶやく。 場内は騒然となり、その声は跡形もなく消失した。

後日、リア充偏差値を決める実力テストが一斉に行われる。 そのテストで見事赤点を収めてしまう、広樹と 5人の女の子。
落ちこぼれの彼らは、恋愛について学ぶ特級訓練強化クラス、通称 “恋式マニュアル” に振り分けられるのであった。

「うぉおおお、なんだか熱くなってきたー。 燃えてきたー」


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[H-GAME] 恋する気持ちの花言葉


Release : Feb/28/2014




この想いを花束に込めて あなたにお似合いの花はどれ?
春休み。 宗方拓海 (むなかた たくみ) は、祖母がこれまで寮母として大切に管理してきた学生寮の管理を託される。
幼なじみの風祭花奈 (かざまつり かな) と共に寮に赴くと、そこには新入生の白根七草 (しらね ななくさ) と 上級生の姫柳沙羅 (ひめやなぎ さら) がすでに入寮していて、新たな寮母として、そして同じ学園に通う学生として挨拶を交わす。

慌ただしく過ごした春休み明け、拓海は新学年のクラス分けで花奈と、昨年からの友人・八重樫椿 (やえがし つばき)、そして出席日数が足らず留年していた沙羅と同じクラスになる。


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Ikusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie Svia

[H-Game] Ikusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie Svia (English / Uncensored)

Ikusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie Svia

Ikusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie SviaIkusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie SviaIkusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie Svia

Ikusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie SviaIkusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie SviaIkusa Otome Suvia / Valkyrie Svia

The protagonist Loki, a divine being, joins forces with the jotnar and denizens of Hel and invades Asgard, the world where the gods dwell. Just when it seems he has the whole world in his hands, Odin, the chief of the divine, takes a life-threatening measure. He seals the mouth of the river that feeds Yggdrasil, the tree which supports the world, and compels his captors, "Release me if thou wishest not perish with me."

The withering of Yggdrasil means the end of the world.
Our protagonist has fallen into a dilemma, but there are keys with which to break the seal on the gate. He discovers that those keys are sealed within the virgin wombs of the battle maidens who continue to oppose him stubbornly: Svia and Sigurd.
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生意気な妹の調教法 [同人]

[H-GAME] 生意気な妹の調教法 [同人]

生意気な妹の調教法 [同人]

Release : Feb/01/2014

生意気な妹の調教法 [同人] 生意気な妹の調教法 [同人] 生意気な妹の調教法 [同人]

生意気な妹の調教法 [同人]



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自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~

[H-GAME] 自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~中2病を襲う、7つの触手(ファングアルム)

自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~

自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~

自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~自称・精霊魔術師 VS 真正・第一級悪魔 ~


「――ふっふっふっ……。 我が名はエルフリーデ・フォン・オテグラーフェン。 超一流の精霊魔術師だ!」

生粋の中二病患者・小倉瑛瑠 (おぐら える) は今日も鏡の前で決めポーズをとっている。

そんなある日、突如自分の部屋に “ヘラ” と名乗る女が現れた。
ヘラは自分を第一級悪魔と名乗ると 「君を探していたよ」 と一言、非日常的な光景に心躍る瑛瑠は嬉々として目を輝かせる。

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[H-GAME] なつドキッ!


Release : Feb/21/2014




その名は世にも恐ろしい “チンコハレル茸(ダケ)”。


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膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた

[H-GAME] 膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあたしを買って!~

膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた

Release : Feb/14/2014

膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた

膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた膣内射精JK援助交際 ~いくらでもいいからあた


それは援交詐欺。 出会い系でおじさんたちを騙して稼いでいたのだ。



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ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪

[H-GAME] ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪~

ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪

Release : Feb/21/2014

ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪

ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪ふたいもデイズ ~おにいちゃん、ナイショでシよ♪


義兄さん」 「お義兄ちゃーん♪」
一緒に住むことになった時、「お義兄ちゃんが欲しかったの♪」 なんて歓迎されたのは嬉しかったけど、ちょっとベタベタされ過ぎかもしれない。
本当の兄妹だって…… いや本当の兄妹なら、こんなにくっつかれはしないだろう。
……でも、やめろよなんて言えない。 義理の妹とはいえ、可愛い女の子たちに好かれて取り合われれば、悪い気はしない。


「義兄さん、失礼します」 「お義兄ちゃーん、失礼しまーすっ♪」

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Circumstances Of A Certain Stolen Wife

[Hentai Game] Circumstances Of A Certain Stolen Wife

Circumstances Of A Certain Stolen Wife

Circumstances Of A Certain Stolen WifeCircumstances Of A Certain Stolen Wife

The 1st title of original brand "A Certain Wife" is about the 40-day adulterous corruption of a married woman by the company supervisor.

In the beginning, the wife's cell phone is bugged with spyware to read all her email.
Undisclosed details and photos she hides from her husband can also be accessed.
24 CG base images. 13 cuts and 38 "photo" images, incl. variations.

The story is told from the cheating wife's point of view, however the game is about spying on the affair.
Comparatively, there aren't a lot of core erotic scenes.
The general ending is determined in the beginning, and choices along the way create mild variations.

Heroine fully voiced, BGM, sound effects, replay,
auto scenario, message skip, backlog, "route guide"
hints for choices.
For those who just want the artwork, JPEG images are included.

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Yabunuma 2

[Hentai Game] Yabunuma 2

Yabunuma 2

Yabunuma 2Yabunuma 2Yabunuma 2

Protagonist Tomo and his wife Sakumi celebrated their fifth anniversary.
They were a typical couple in the middle years of their relationship. One night Tomo
happened to meet Sakumi's boss and began to fantasize about them together.
He looked for a way to make them sleep together. When Sakumi found out, she became
enraged and moved out.

Two years later...
Will Sakumi inevitably end up with the boss when that notion ended her marriage?

A massive novel (1192kb of text) game with
19 CG base events >+ 23 variations. Over 100 total images
pose variations. Heroine voiced, sex scenes have BG voice.
Created by Naoto, N.R.D.WORKS.
Created using Livemaker.

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Otokonoko Revolution

[H-GAME] Otokonoko Revolution -Trans Idols Love Penis Forever!-

Otokonoko Revolution

Release : Feb/01/2014

Otokonoko RevolutionOtokonoko RevolutionOtokonoko Revolution

Crossdressing H game!!
Cosplaying idol boys in girlie outfits loooooove the producer!
An idol otoko no ko ADV full of cuuuuute sex and super ero-ero ecchi!!
Fully voiced! 9 scenes!

* Story
Otokonoko Revolution is a platinum-selling boys' idol group with three members: Mizuki, Rui and Aria.
These pretty girl-boys love the producer. I mean, really love him.
After the show they seduce him in the changing room, without ever taking off their outfits!

* Features
CG mode and H mode, message speed options, volume, auto play, skip, quick save/load and more

Illustration: Hanbei Fujibakama
Scenario: Azuki Maccha
CVs: Milk Satou, Kurumi Miru, Kaoru Ikuta

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Bazooka Cafe

[H-GAME] Bazooka Cafe (Uncensored English Version)

Bazooka Cafe

Bazooka CafeBazooka CafeBazooka Cafe
Bazooka CafeBazooka CafeBazooka Cafe

The son of an aging owner of a Cafe has to leave his office job and become a manager of the Cafe. He starts off with only one woman, Cocoa, working for him. Soon after he hires Mitsuki to help lighten the workload. The Cafe soon becomes extremely popular and he employs Narumi then finally Yayoi. The protagonist has the choice of involving himself with any of the four girls. The theme of this game is that all of the women involved with the protagonist are exceptionally busty.The four girls are: Narumi, a childhood friend, Cocoa, a married woman he had relations with, Yayoi, who worked under before running the Cafe, and Mitsuki, another colleague from his past job.

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Groping Huge Tits Train~Our Courage・Pervert City~

[H-GAME] Groping Huge Tits Train~Our Courage・Pervert City~

Groping Huge Tits Train~Our Courage・Pervert City~

Groping Huge Tits Train~Our Courage・Pervert City~Groping Huge Tits Train~Our Courage・Pervert City~Groping Huge Tits Train~Our Courage・Pervert City~

We set the stage for this title in the midst of a crowded train. Corrupt yourself thoroughly with this exploration into the techniques of “groping”, with a huge breasted, beautiful young girl as our protagonist!
“Excitement guaranteed! Genuine pervert train simulation, ADV”

* “Master of Big Tits”, Gegera Toshikazu assigned to do Illustrations *
Top creator and artist of the best and finest huge breasted women, Gegera Toshikazu. The heroine he draws is a beautiful woman far beyond the reaches of imagination, a dazzling young woman, and owner of the “Miraculous Big Tits”!
This stunning and magnificent young girl and her huge breasts will be loved by all!

* Investigating the Art of Groping *
Just as the title suggests, groping occurs “only in trains”.
A feast of shame and exploitation of the senses takes place repeatedly in the middle of a crowded train!
Again and again the perverted groping techniques specialize on huge boobs.
Grand master of the assault scene genre, “Hayasaka Utane” was in charge of supervising the scenarios, and you can really see his skill come into play!

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Prism Shine: The Downward Spiral of Armored

[H-GAME] Prism Shine: The Downward Spiral of Armored War Princess

Prism Shine: The Downward Spiral of Armored

Release : Feb/01/2014

Prism Shine: The Downward Spiral of ArmoredPrism Shine: The Downward Spiral of ArmoredPrism Shine: The Downward Spiral of Armored


The scientifically advanced Strangers of "Grenada" threaten to destroy our planet.
Justice heroine Hatsune Shindo, a.k.a. Prism Reica, gives her body and soul to protect humanity.
She has a younger sister: Hikari Shindo, a.k.a. Prism Shine.

Shine thinks the world of Reica. When Damned, the leader of Grenada, takes Reica hostage
Shine breaks straight into enemy headquarters, and into unbelievable misery......!
Like her sister before her, the noble but naive imouto is transformed into a raving sexpot
by the same mad scientist, Dr. Brain, who warped Reica into a mindless mesu.

Can Shine save Reica, or herself, from the infinite plunge into an XXX abyss?

* Noteworthy porn! *

An all new body mod futanari craven sperm-starved frenzy of sisterly gangbanging,
nipple and clitoris pierces and debauched rutting too absurd to describe!
Hikari may be a cum sponge wreck barely capable of expression, but somewhere
inside her moral compass. She f*cks for her sister. She f*cks for humanity!
Even as Strangers and humans run a f*cktrain up her loose tunnel.

* Ahegao voice stars! *

Uncensored, shockingly lewd and unhinged wailing performances that leave nothing to spare.

Don't miss this high-volume ahegao extravaganza from Pinpoint!

CVs: Minami Momoya, Haruno Sasaki

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Hitozuma wa Moto Mahosyojo

[H-GAME] Hitozuma wa Moto Mahosyojo (The Wife Is An Ex-Magical Girl)

Hitozuma wa Moto Mahosyojo

Release : Feb/14/2014

Hitozuma wa Moto MahosyojoHitozuma wa Moto MahosyojoHitozuma wa Moto Mahosyojo

* "witches soft" ADV software debut!

* Premise
Who know!? Happily married housewife Yuki Sonozaki used to be a crime-fighting magical girl!
Back in her youth she cast spells and saved worlds as Emerald of bishoujo team "Justice Pirates".
15 years after they destroyed the stronghold of an evil organization, the Mad Professor's minions
have tracked each girl down for one purpose: sexual revenge!

* A rich swirl of milf & molestation & cuckoldry!
Yuki (a.k.a. Emerald) gets disgraced right in front of her husband and son, multi-orgasms on the train, porno f*cks in ero cosplay against her will...
In the end she betrays her oath in favor of total c*ck slavery!

* Staff
Artwork: Nobushita
Scenario: Shuichi Tamachi / Frame

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[H-GAME] 目覚めると従姉妹を護る美少女剣士になっていた


Release : Jan/27/2014





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[H-GAME] 舌入×シたい×慕い


Release : Feb/14/2014

舌入×シたい×慕い 舌入×シたい×慕い 舌入×シたい×慕い


IMG2 妻の不倫によって離婚した主人公は、妻の親権放棄により血の繋がらない義娘・千桜里を引き取ることになった。
漏れ出る熱い吐息、滴り落ちる唾液…… そして絡みつく小さな舌の動きに、主人公は、舐められるという行為に得も言われぬ背徳と高揚を感じた。


腋を―― 髪を―― 太ももを―― 身体の隅々を舐め上げ親愛を
足を―― 乳首を―― 尻の穴を―― 身体の隅々を舐めさせ服従を

生殖器が触れ合わずとも、人は舌だけでも “舐め愛” “吸い愛” “しゃぶり愛” “絡め愛”――


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