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[] Milena

[] Milena

Миниатюрная девушка пришла на медосмотр к опытному врачу, чтобы просто провериться и убедиться, что всё в норме. Но она не подозревала что ей предстоит детальный унизительный осмотр гениталий при помощи разных инструментов и смазок. И уж тем более не догадывалась что всё это будет снято скрытой камерой.
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[TheTrainingOfO] Allie James - The Making of a Perfect Little Slut, Day One

[TheTrainingOfO] Allie James - The Making of a Perfect Little Slut, Day One

This girl is hot, hot, fucking hot. She is tall, blonde, pretty face, nice ass and great tits. Oh, and she is a filthy fucking slut. An unrefined slut, but filthy nonetheless. I ask her what she wants to learn. She says she wants to be "a perfect slut". A typical broad answer. Well, the raw material is definitely there. I check my dick and get the rope. I tie her tits tight and sling some rope around her round ass. It's nice. Real nice. And she knows it. She is used to easily seducing boys and with her mischievous little cunt. She has been eyeing me like I'm some half drunk frat boy who is going to fall all over himself trying to get with her. I smirk as my fingers dig into her soft flesh and test her nipples. She winces. What makes a slut perfect, I ask. She gets a dumbstruck look on her face like she never expected to have to actually participate in her own training on an intellectual level. This might be a long day. I start to crop and vibe her till I get answers. She squirms and squeals like a sorry ass sorority girl and I smile.
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[TsSeduction] Yasmin Lee and Robert Axel - Protecting His Life, Seducing His Cock

[TsSeduction] Yasmin Lee and Robert Axel - Protecting His Life, Seducing His Cock

Yasmin Lee shows us once again why she's the Queen of Seduction.
On a mission to protect a high profile witness, Yasmin is all business. Her professional demeanor, however, is thwarted by the sexual chemistry between her and the man she is hired to protect. The tension builds and the will power to resist each other diminishes. Yasmin takes Robert thick cock in her mouth until he is so hard he is gagging her. This sends pulses of blood to her own cock, and soon she is too turned on to keep her cock in her panties. She releases into Robert's face and he doesn't have time to think about anything else, but sucking her off. The sex is incredible in this update and the cum loads could fill a glass. Two super sexy hot people fucking in a raw, unbridled way all night long.
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[TSPussyHunters] Jesssica Fox and Aleksa Nicole - Busted Watching Porn at Work-Boss Punishes Bad Employee w/Her Own Cock

[TSPussyHunters] Jesssica Fox and Aleksa Nicole - Busted Watching Porn at Work-Boss Punishes Bad Employee w/Her Own Cock

Aleska is not a model employee - she flirts with vendors, she fucks around on Facebook all day, she texts and tweets to friends and fucks up nearly all of her tasks. Working late to catch up on data entry that she should have had done hours earlier, Aleska opens a distracting email from a friend that shows a spitting image look alike of her in a porn! It's too good not to look at, just to see if she really does look like the girl in the porno. Not only does Aleska look like the girl, the porn is so hot she starts to rub her clit under her stockings and actually jerks off at her desk. The following morning, her boss just KNOWS something is up and sneaks a peak at Aleska's browser history. Sure enough, there it is, porn on the server. Jessica finally has enough reason to fire her terrible employee. But why not blow off some steam first with this annoying insuppordinant. Jessica grabs Aleska by the hair, makes her watch the porn while she bends her over the desk and spanks her. No one will believe Aleska, so Jessica doesn't care. She whips out her hard cock and slaps Aleska's shocked face with it.
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[WhippedAss] Mz Berlin and Bonnie Day - A Gift Of Submission

[WhippedAss] Mz Berlin and Bonnie Day - A Gift Of Submission

Berlin comes home from a long week to discover Madeline has left her with a delicious surprise, Bonnie Day in a cage! Berlin was expecting a quiet weekend but can't resist the urge to use Bonnie all weekend as she sees fit. Bonnie is ass plugged and made to cum, her ass is spanked and whipped and she's single tailed and cat o' nine just to prove she's worthy enough to fuck Berlin's beautiful pussy with a dildo gag and lick that wet pussy and ass clean. Bonnie suffers so beautifully with nipple torture, dick on a stick, handcuffs and strap-on ass fucking to uncontrollable orgasms. Once Bonnie knows her place she's dressed in heels and a leather corset and made to sleep in a cage for the rest of the night!
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[TSPussyHunters] Cherry Torn and Stefani Special - Cat Fight Sexy Time

[TSPussyHunters] Cherry Torn and Stefani Special - Cat Fight Sexy Time

Compton College has a secret favourite past time - stealing. Some colleges have sororities, this one has a thievery group where you pay your stealing dues and work your way up to the big time stores in the mall. New girl, Stefani, doesn't know there is a system for petty crime and she starts right at the top - right at Cherry's store. Ohhh, cat fight! Cherry storms Stefani's dorm, pulls a pair of stolen panties out of Stefani's bra and the cat fight is on. Cherry is quickly out matched and the new girl has some moves that have her on top and between Cherry's legs. Stefani kisses Cherry into submission and soon the fighting leads to fucking as Stefani pounds her cock into Cherry's pussy.
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[WaterBondage] Sabrina Fox - Sabrina Fox IS a fox!

[WaterBondage] Sabrina Fox - Sabrina Fox IS a fox!

Sexy long-legged redhead Sabrina Fox is a newbie here at but not a newbie to bdsm play. She took everything right in stride during her first visit to WB. The zipper was a first for her though. Especially when you add the predicament aspect in the first scene. She takes a nice single-tailing in scene two along with a very tight tie. In scene three, we sneak up on her with a mindfuck noose predicament which works out very well. And in scene four, the tank scene, well just watch it and let me know if you like Sabrina as much as I do.
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[MenInPain] Harmony and Kade - Objectification

[MenInPain] Harmony and Kade - Objectification

If Harmony Rose wants a hard dick Harmony Rose is going to get a hard dick. She doesn't care what it's attached to nor does she care if you get any pleasure at all! Harmony uses Kade like a real piece of meat. Covering his face with a hood and humiliating him. Strap-on fucking him from behind with his head secured in a box. Of course Kade the fuck whore still gets nice and hard through all the objectification and pain. Mistress Harmony takes what she wants and leaves him breathless. After being used and abused does Kade finally get a release? That's up to Harmony to determine! Strap-on ass fucking, objectification, and tease and denial are included in this hot update!
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Lena - 500 Pound car breakdown challenge (2012) SD

Lena - 500 Pound car breakdown challenge (2012) SD

Девушка Лена придя с прогулки принялась сосать своему бойфренду и возбудившись от вкуса и запаха пульсирующего члена - решилась на вагинальный секс, плавно завершившийся тугим проникновением в попку, предварительно разработанную резиновой игрушкой.
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Isabel, Lara Latex - 500 Pound hairy UK girl (2012) SD

Isabel, Lara Latex - 500 Pound hairy UK girl (2012) SD

Их страсть не знает границ, для утоления сексуальной жажды в ход идут не только игрушки, напоминающие член и продающиеся в специализированных магазинах, а и обычные овощи с рынка - только бы не порвать ими киски, ведь попадаются совсем гигантские членоподобные и их так хочется прочувствовать стенками влагалища!
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Yasmine - Beautiful young blonde (2012) SD

Yasmine - Beautiful young blonde (2012) SD

Молоденькая девушка очень сексуально выглядела, особенно возбуждали её торчащие соски, выпирающие через едва что-то скрывающую блузку и не зря они торчали - она возбуждена как никогда и хочет трахаться. Добравшись до кровати на подкашивающихся от желания ногах, девушка стащила с себя трусишки и принялась активно работать пальчиками в мокрой киске, а когда сосед застал её за этим делом, то накинулась на его пенис и не отпускала, пока не высосала всю сперму.
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Wendy - My dick in a tasty teen (2012) SD

Wendy - My dick in a tasty teen (2012) SD

Худенькая девушка стащила с себя шортики и нырнув в киску пальчиками, стала интенсивно там работать, пока та не набухла и стала похожа на мокрый вареник. Только когда она это сделала - разрешила наблюдающему за этим процессом очкарику занырнуть в разработанную щелку.
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Rowena - Gave her a good seeing (2012) SD

Rowena - Gave her a good seeing (2012) SD

Уединившись в душе, пышная девушка с хвостиками, стала мыть свои прелести, подготавливая их к использованию, ведь в гостинной её уже ждет самец, жаждущий одного - безжалостно отодрать её во все щели.
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Salome - Horny puffy girl (2012) SD

Salome - Horny puffy girl (2012) SD

Встретив старого знакомого на улице, девушка пригласила его к себе домой, ведь в её голове уже давно созрел коварный план насчет его прибора в штанах и того, как она будет его чувствовать в своей заднице.
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Isabella - Teen streetslut for the day (2012) SD

Isabella - Teen streetslut for the day (2012) SD

Изабелла жутко захотела почувствовать в своей маленькой дырочке нормальный мужской член и задрав юбку, принялась совращать своего гостя, не оставив ему выбора, кроме как отодрать похотливую шлюшку в зад.
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Katie - Cute slutty babe (2013) SD

Katie - Cute slutty babe (2013) SD

Девушка лежала на кровати и теребила свою киску пальчиками, а после взялась за любимый вибратор и взялась испытывать свою дырочку на прочность. Так могло продолжаться бесконечно, пока её не спалили за этим занятием и предложили достойную замену пластмассовой игрушке.
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